I went and saw a comedian the other night and she brought up a very good point in my opinion. Why the hell do people protest things that have nothing to do with them? In example the funeral of Mathew Sheppard, seriously how warped in the head do you have to be to protest a funeral but I digress.The audacity of the average modern day Christian protester astounds me.
I have nothing against Christianity but seriously if you're going to devout you lives to something do some f-in research. People protesting gay marriage saying it's against God well guess what there were marriages before there was Christianity gasp and shock I'm sure. Did you also know that almost every Major Christian holiday over laps a predating "pagan" one. More food for thought, I just don't understand how people can have such blind faith against others who have done nothing to harm them and on the most part would never do anything to harm them.
I know that most of these extremists would come back at me and say that God created the world and so on and so forth but I don't care that's not what I believe and according to you're religion I have free will and also WTF happened to that whole thou shall not judge thing?.Whatever though I would just like to see a day when instead of trying to purposely hurt each other we just sit down and talk like the mature adults so many of us claim to be.
.By: Travis Robinson